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We all have clothes that we no longer wear in our wardrobes. I present to you services that will simplify your life.


We all have clothes that we no longer wear in our wardrobes. I present to you services that will simplify your life.

Closet Therapy, la thérapie par le dressing

Closet Therapy, therapy through the dressing room

Anne is a stylist, fashion consultant and author. She works behind TV and photo sets to reveal and tell people about personalities. A few years ago, she had a trigger...

Closet Therapy, therapy through the dressing room

Anne is a stylist, fashion consultant and author. She works behind TV and photo sets to reveal and tell people about personalities. A few years ago, she had a trigger...

Le Vintage d'exception

Exceptional Vintage

Image taken from the Le Vif website A vintage piece is like a good wine: it improves with time. It carries a story and gives you a unique style. I...

Exceptional Vintage

Image taken from the Le Vif website A vintage piece is like a good wine: it improves with time. It carries a story and gives you a unique style. I...

Love & Care : Comment donner une deuxième vie à vos chaussures

Love & Care: How to give a second life to y...

Beautiful shoes deserve to be taken care of, whether they are dress shoes or sneakers. I share with you some services and professional addresses that will allow you to keep...

Love & Care: How to give a second life to y...

Beautiful shoes deserve to be taken care of, whether they are dress shoes or sneakers. I share with you some services and professional addresses that will allow you to keep...

Slow Nation, le concept store nomade

Slow Nation, the nomadic concept store

I was looking for brands that invent new fashion, those that use existing materials and sublimate them to make unique pieces. That's how I discovered Slow Nation , a nomadic...

Slow Nation, the nomadic concept store

I was looking for brands that invent new fashion, those that use existing materials and sublimate them to make unique pieces. That's how I discovered Slow Nation , a nomadic...