Closet Therapy, la thérapie par le dressing

Closet Therapy, therapy through the dressing room

Anne is a stylist, fashion consultant and author.

She works behind TV and photo sets to reveal and tell people about personalities.

A few years ago, she had a trigger that encouraged her to take a step back from our consumption of clothes: too many clothes, not always well chosen and a widening gap between what we wear and who we wear. East.

This excess led her to write a book to encourage us to rethink our relationship with clothes:
“Closet Therapy, 5 bases and 10 Style lessons to create your conscious wardrobe” published by Marabout .

Today, in addition to her work as a stylist, she accompanies people during her Closet Therapy sessions.

It helps us take a fresh look at our clothes and at ourselves by taking a deep dive into our wardrobe.

Anne explained to me how a session takes place, the introspection that takes place during this moment of oneself and the profound transformation that it generates.

Its key words are pleasure, having fun, refocusing, taking time for yourself.

I had fun talking with Anne.
I hope you enjoy listening to this interview as well.

Check out his video interview .

Closet Therapy


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